Health & Safety

Health & Safety

At Roofscape Ltd we’re fully committed to providing a safe environment for our employees to work in and we adhere to our professionally developed health and safety polices at all times. We have systems in place to safeguard the health of our workforce, particularly in relation to occupational hazards and to stress management.

Our health and safety policy is based on three core principles, which we refer to as our ITS system:

  • Information (understanding)
  • Training (competency)
  • Supervision (supporting and facilitating staff)

Safety managing in the workplace and onsite is of extreme importance to us and indeed, we’ve won a number of health and safety awards, which demonstrates our dedication in this area.

Health & Safety Policy


  • Gold Excellence Award in Health and Safety – 2015 and 2014
  • Silver Excellence Award in Health and Safety – 2013

Environmental Policy

Roofscape Ltd is also fully committed to protecting the environment and operating in an environmentally-friendly way as much as we can. As a result, we’ve reduced the size of our two work vans and our employees travel together to reduce their carbon footprint.

We also measure as accurately as possible all of the materials we use, so off-cuts are limited. While it’s currently difficult to recycle most of the products we use for cladding and roofing jobs, we’re trying to reduce that waste where we can.

Environmental Policy
Call us today on 028 6632 9072 for more details about our cladding and roofing systems in Fermanagh.